Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Time truly does seem to fly! It has been two months since I posted and it does not seem like it has been that long. Both of our sons are now married to women that perfectly compliment them! We are thrilled to have them in our family! I made cute little hearts for the reception at Brandon and Tammy's wedding to give as little gifts. I will try to post a photo of them. They turned out really cute. I should sell the extras on Etsy but have not gotten up the nerve to, yet. Rejection by no one wanting them would be crushing! I also made cute little fridge magnets for gifts for the guests at Brady and Brittney's rehearsal dinner. I have extra's of those, too. They spell LOVE. I guess I should dig them out and put them on Etsy as well. I have had the shop space for quite a while but am so insecure about what others will think of my things that I still have them all..... The two items are so different that they might only appeal to a small audience.

I am trying to learn to create scrapbook pages, kits, etc. using Photoshop. I am not sure that I am loving it. I guess I will keep working at it until I figure it all out or give up. I want to be able to add my own touches to photos prior to printing them, mainly. I am sure I will never tire of using paper, scissors and my own hands to make the pages but have wished many times that I could add things to the photos. If anyone reads this at all and has suggestions for tutorials that are straightforward and for Photoshop CS2, I would like to have the site url.

I am slowly cleaning out closets, cabinets and drawers, trying to purge our abode of all things that are just lying there, not ever being used. I donate the items to a local charity so that they are used by someone. Recycling and re-using is not a new concept! My mother and grandmother and great grandmother have been doing it for many, many years. Most people that went through the Depression and WWII tend to be very frugal. They certainly understood the need for conservation of all resources.

My precious grandchildren were here this past week. Hearing little man say,"kank you, Mia" when I give him something is one of the sweetest things on earth. He is a cutie and gives the best hugs. His sister is a very creative child. She used about a ream of paper making her own paperdolls and her own paper zoo, complete with momma, daddy and children animals of many varieties. She is quite a girl. She is going to Sea World camp again this year so they will be back in a couple of weeks. I look forward to it!