Monday, February 9, 2009

On The Road Again

I am heading to North Texas tomorrow to play wonderful auntie for Zella. She will call me Mia as do my grandchildren and her brother do. My great niece's are starting to call me that as well. I have three sisters and a brother. Since there are so many of us and some of us have grandchildren but our youngest sister's family is toddlers and newborns, we decided to have this generation of little ones refer to us by our "grandparent" name. So I am Mia, one sister is Mim and one sister is MiMi and the youngest is well, I forgot. We have not started having the children call her anything beside her name, yet, so I have a reasonable excuse for not remembering. Or it could be I am getting hormonal, or menopausal, but wait that would be the same thing wouldn't it? I am getting confused and feel a hot flash coming on. I think I will go fan myself and try to figure this all out. I will try to post again, later. Once my hormones settle down!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Precious Baby

Where has the time gone? Whew! I have a new niece, Zella Ruth. She was born yesterday and we are so glad she is here, safe and sound and that her mommy is doing very well, too! 

I finally took down the Christmas decorations on the postal cubby hole cabinet and am going to deck it out with Valentines and President's Day. I love history and have written reports on Lincoln during my school days, very long ago! And I love Valentine's Day. Zella's mother used to call it Valenheart day when she was little. I am 11 years older than her so I remember these things. She was very serious when she discussed Valenheart day and she loved it as much as I. 

We have made progress on the house. We have started hanging the sheet rock in the bedroom which makes it feel more like a room. Taping and floating are lengthy processes because it is so chilly in there. It takes awhile for the first coat to dry but then the second one goes really fast. Whoo hoo! The bathroom is next and then we can move into that space which will give us much more room everywhere else. Ahh, the excitement of decorating is slowly rising but I contain it as much as possible since I have no idea how long it will take. So long for now, I am off to work on baby items and then to see Miss Zella and her family.